The maternity unit at Banford General hospital includes the pregnancy day care unit, antenatal clinic, maternity ward and the neonatal unit.
We offer a choice of packages of care and birthing options:
- Midwife led care
- Maternity team care
- Home birth
- Hospital birth
- Pool birth
You will be able to discuss these options with your midwife, and consultant (if you have one). Our midwives and doctors provide 24-hour care for the full range of maternity services – during pregnancy, labour and after the birth.
We are committed to supporting women who chose to breast feed and have accreditation under the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative. Our Infant Feeding Team provides dedicated support and guidance to mothers who choose to breastfeed.
We also offer the baby hearing test service for your baby before you go home.
Ongoing support once you are home with your baby is provided by your named Community Midwife. Before you leave the hospital or before the midwife leaves your home, if you have had a home birth you will be informed how to contact a midwife should you need one out of normal visiting hours. Visits will take place between 9am-5pm. Subsequent visits will depend on the individual needs of yourself and your baby and will be arranged following discussion with you.
Contact Us
- Coral Road 421, Freeport, Bahamas
If you have any emergency Doctor’s need, simply contact our 24 hour emergency
Your personal case manager will ensure that you receive the best possible care.
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